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你的位置:HEZ 中文站 > dYdX (Native)中文网 > 考USMLE的人多了,这条路就不是适合任何人了。尤其还是在国内的。。。
发布日期:2025-01-04 11:08    点击次数:196
在美国呆久了,关于USMLE的消息也收集了一箩筐。。。。总结人家的经验和自身的感受,印度医学生大部分都走这条路,他们大多读个生物或化学master,然后考USMLE,接受培训。。。也有印度学生冒MD直接读postdoc的。。。在postdoc期间考试。。。。印度学生的优势在于国内有考点,国内用Hindenglish印度式英语授课,省下许多语言障碍。。。国内现在开设了考点,估计又会成为一阵风,IMG这条路竞争会越来越激烈。。。。说些不中听的话,身边有些STEP1 和 2 都考了的人,可是就是找不到受训的医院,match不上。。。。挺痛苦的。。。没有绿卡,很多医院都是挡风似的拒。。。所以,想走这条路,最好还是先来美国读个学位,想办法拿到绿卡和身份才是最实际的。虽然USMLE有7年的有效期,但是很多医院一般要求是三年内,而且不要你在近期有实际的临床经验。。。这样,对很多读基础医学的人来说尤为不利。。。试想,你在国内,如果一直都是呆实验室的,哪个医院会招你进去做临床???刚刚毕业的医学生,也是不受欢迎之列。。。。所以,强烈建议有丰富临床经验的医生走这条路,先过来postdoc,然后match。。。而对于刚刚毕业出来的学生,在考USMLE千万要想好了你什么时候报考,整个时间会不会超出有效期等问题。。。最现实的路线还是先出国读理科的master或者phd。。。拿到绿卡再考虑其他问题。。。另外一条更艰苦(不管是在精力还是财力)就是考MCAT,接受这里的医学院四年的正规训练。。。。然后clerkship,match。。。这样会competitive一些。。而且如果出色,可以找到很好的医院。。。。但是问题还是在绿卡。。。没有绿卡,申请医学院和申请银行贷款都会有麻烦,尤其是申请医学院,很多学校是不乐意接受外国学生的。。。一般接受的都是非常厉害的医学院(如约翰霍布金斯,哈佛等等),机会就是更小了。。。总之,每一步(除了MCAT)好像都是小概率事件似的。。。但是身边还是不乏有成功的人士。。。其实,如果是奔着钱去做医生,那就是大大不划算了。。如果你拿出同样的精力和时间,你也许会找到其他来钱更快的business。。。。如果是真心要做医生,那就做好受苦受累的准备,还有一颗服务他人的仁心了。。。。发贴是为了帮助国内许多有志于国外行医的医学院毕业生更加理性和实际地规划人生。。。。希望有所帮助和启发。。。。不当之处,多多海涵。。。。。I'm a medical student at CQUMS,I wanna be a physician in the USA.I begin to read original english test books ,mainly lange series and board reviews since freshman.Now I am in the clerckship rotation team to finish my internship,when to pass USMLE is a big question for me 'cause I am planning to take a master or doctor's degree in China.Who knows how to manage my time and schedule for the future,Please help me out.gterjames wrote: I'm a medical student at CQUMS, I want be a physician in the USA.I begin to read original English test books, mainly Lange series and board reviews since freshman.Now I am in the clerkship rotation team to finish my internship, when to pass USMLE is a big question for me 'cause I am planning to take a master or doctor's degree in China. Who knows how to manage my time and schedule for the future. Please help me out.Dear Friend:Based on what I have heard and seen here is (are) what I would suggest to you:First Option:1. Get your BS of Medicine in China first;2. Pull all the necessary documents for USMLE tests together in your procession;3. Find a working position (entry tech position or similar) in the US;4. Get familiar with the “culture of medicine” in the US and, at the same time, preparing for the Tests mentally and financially.This is the shortest way one can anticipate for the tests and get ready to the residency training in the US.Second Option:1. Get your BS of Medicine in China first;2. “Smash” the tests of G-T in China;3. Enroll a PhD program in US;4. Get a PhD, and then prepare the TestsThis route is definitely take longer to achieve, but it may be “worth” more if one can reach the “end” of it and be “rewarded” a lot for one’s future career advancement.Third Option:1. Get your BS of Medicine in China first;2. Get trained in basic research laboratory in China (such as getting a MS or PhD degree)3. Coming over as a Post Doc. Working while preparing.This is just an “Okay” way… taking long, but many have been through it and succeeded.Sure…. There might be other routes … but the options might be limited. One thing I have “puzzled” is that I have never seen or heard (I may be in a “hole of 孤陋寡闻”) anyone took the USMLE tests in China and matched into any residency training program in the US. It sounds like very unrealistic because the matching process of the residency program requires the candidate to be onsite[s] to be interviewed by future “employer[s]”.Anyhow, if there is one thing listed high on the agenda before those painful tests, I would say “hey, come over first if you can not matter which route you pick and preparing and being tested right here in the US”If anyone has better ideas, please don’t hold back … post here and share with other DXYers.Lateri am not in a famous medical college,nor am i rich.the only routine for me is to get a master or phd degree first in China,then apply a PHD or postdoc program in US,then.....lizq wrote:i am not in a famous medical college,nor am i rich.the only routine for me is to get a master or phd degree first in China,then apply a PHD or postdoc program in US,then.....我和他一样,现在我刚走到了master degree的起点.谁能给我点建议啊?(我研究生还没开始上呢,不过等上了master下了临床很忙的那样过gre什么的哪有时间啊?我选择a PHD program in US去美国现实吗?)If I still trust my memory,any student who finished medical school (doesn't matter which country) can't apply for US medical school any more. So if you have already finished your medical school in your country, I don't think that you can take MCAT and apply for US medical school any more. I also heard people said that compared with resident match, it was even tougher to apply US medical school. Correct me if you think I gave wrong information.呵呵,这个应该置顶的呵呵,这个应该置顶的

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